Prescription (Herbal Formula) 665



Prescription (Herbal Formula) 665

Transcribed Chinese Text

生姜 (9 slices), 故主 [?] [补骨脂] 酒炒 (wine fried) (2 qian), 枣仁 [酸枣仁] 炒 (fried) (25 qian), 冬枣 [冬虫夏草] (3 ☐), 炙党 [党参] (25 qian),
丁香 (4 ☐), 关炒 [甘草] (1 qian), 炙芪 [黄芪] (25 qian), 㐵肉 [山茱萸] (25 qian), 白术 (3 qian),
川芎 (5 fen), 干姜 炒 (fried) (1 qian), 柴胡 (15 qian), 干葛 [葛根] (25 qian), 炙地 [熟地黃] (3 qian),
各香 [藿香?] (25 qian), 淮山 [山药] 酒炒 (wine fried) (25 qian), 白芷 (3 fen), 青皮 面醋炒 (flour vinegar fried) (1 qian), 炙南星 [制天南星] 炙半下 [半夏 (roasted)] (each 5 fen),
高参 [高麗参] [人参] (15 qian), 當归 [当归] 酒炒 (wine fried) (2 qian), 木香 兑服 (add into liquid for drinking) (3 fen), 厚朴 姜炒 (ginger fried) (1 qian), 元肉 [龙眼肉?] (2 qian),
云苓 [茯苓] (25 qian)

迟日加 玉桂 [肉桂], 升麻 (3 fen) (wait a day and add Rou Gui and 3 fen of Sheng Ma) 净水煎服 (decoct with clean water for oral intake)
甲辰年八月初九[日]单 (prescribed on Jia Chen year, 8th month first 9th [day] [Lunar calendar])

Related objects (Prescription of herbs)


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Location created


Picked up by Zhao Si Sheng



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Document copy courtesy of Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site

Owner of the Collection

State of Oregon

Source (the collection in which this object is found)

Kam Wah Chung Collection

KWC location ID

Box 7. 665

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