Prescription (Herbal Formula) 682



Prescription (Herbal Formula) 682

Transcribed Chinese Text

[Formula 1]
生姜 (cut slices) (4 qian), 地榆 醋盐炒 (vinegar salt fried)
(4 qian), 棉花子 酒炒☐ (wine fried ☐) (25 qian), 蓮蓬壳 [莲房] 存性 (?) (3 qian),
阿膠 有利炒 (fried with Mu Li?) (3 qian), 京芥 [荆芥] 炒焦 (fried charred) (25 qian), 艾入 [艾叶] 炒焦 (fried charred) (2[?] qian), 炙地 [熟地黃] (3 qian),
冬早 [冬虫夏草] (4 ☐), 川芎 (1 qian), 灵脂 [五灵脂] 酒炒 (wine fried) (15 qian), 蒲黄 炒焦 (fried charred) (15 qian),
干姜 炒 (fried) (2 qian), 白芍 酒炒 (wine fried) (2 qian), 青皮 醋面炒 (vinegar flour fried) (25 qian), 升麻 蜜炒 (honey fried) (2 qian)
净水煎服 (decoct with clean water for oral intake)

[Formula 2]
生姜 切片 (cut slices) (5 qian), 艾入 [艾叶] ☐炒 (☐ fried) (4 qian), 蘇人 [紫苏叶] (15 qian), 毛根 [白茅根] 炒焦 (fried charred) (25 qian),
葱头 [葱白头] 三大☐ (3 big ☐), 京芥 [荆芥] 炒焦 (fried charred) (25 qian), 地榆 醋盐炒 (vinegar salt fried) (3 qian), 砂仁 (25 qian)
净水煎服 (decoct with clean water for oral intake), 送服 (wash the medicine down?) 琥珀 (Hu Po [amber]) 寿星 (add Hu Po for longevity?)
光绪丙午年四月十九日单 (prescribed on Guang Xu (9th emperor of the Qing Dynasty with his aunt the empress) Bing Wu year, 4th month 19th day [Lunar calendar])

Related objects (Prescription of herbs)


Year created

Location created


Wei Bu Zhun Shi received.
Jia Li Nu (daughter, girl) Qiao Mei Shi (low appetite) Jin De Zhi Yao (medicine) Mo Yu (no cured) Be Li Zhong Wan Shi Zhi.



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Rights Holder

Document copy courtesy of Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site

Owner of the Collection

State of Oregon

Source (the collection in which this object is found)

Kam Wah Chung Collection

KWC location ID

Box 7. 682

Item Type (DCMI Type vocabulary URI)


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