Prescription (Herbal Formula) 687



Prescription (Herbal Formula) 687

Transcribed Chinese Text

大王 [大黄] (9 qian), 何人 [荷叶] (5 qian), 姜活 [羌活] (2 qian), 独活 (2 qian), 白芷 (2 qian), 乙金 [郁金] (2 qian), 赤芍 (2 qian),
姜活 [羌活] (2 qian), 京芥 [荆芥] (3 qian), 藓皮 [白鲜皮] (2 qian), 陀僧 [密陀僧] (4 qian), 白及 [白芨] (3 qian), 花粉 [天花粉] (2 qian), 連召 [连翘] (3 qian),
雄黄 (3 qian), 生川乌 [制川乌 (uncooked)] (3 qian), 甘節 (3 qian), 川連 [黄连] (3 qian), 枯凡 [枯矾] (3 qian), 枯炒 [夏枯草] (2 qian), 木别 [木鳖子] 燒灰[?] (burned ash?) (4 ☐),
山次菇 [山茨菇] (15 qian), 生炒乌 [制草乌 (uncooked)] (15 qian), 血竭 (1 qian), 牛七 [牛膝] (3 qian), 白凡 [白矾] (3 qian), 三棱 (2 qian), 莪术 (2 qian),
生半下 [半夏 (uncooked)] (5 qian), 红花 (2 qian), 生乳香 [乳香 (uncooked)] (3 qian), 生没药 [没药 (uncooked)] (3 qian), 牙皂 [皂荚] (10 ☐), 川☐ [?] [1] 炒 (fried) (3 tiao), 硫黄 [硫磺] (2 qian),
生南星 [制天南星 (uncooked)] (4 qian), 射香 [麝香], 冰片, 漏炉 [漏芦] (1 qian), 炉会 [芦荟] (1 qian), 良花 [金银花] (2 qian), 泽蘭 [泽兰] (3 qian),
公英 [蒲公英] (2 qian), 白芥子 炒 (fried) (2 qian), 琥珀 (2 qian), 灵仙 [威灵仙] (2 qian), 牛子 [牛蒡子] 炒 (fried) (2 qian), 巴豆荳 [巴豆] 炒焦 (fried charred), 章香 [樟脑] (3 qian)

剪☐锭取 (cut ☐ pill to take), 牛肝開搽手为药 牛胆市酒亦好 (cow gallbladder, apply powder ointment on the skin, female cow gallbladder also good)
辰[甲辰?]年十一[?]二[?]月十四[日]单 (prescribed on Chen [possibly Jia Chen] year, 11th[?] 12th[?] month 14th [day] [Lunar calendar])

[top from right to left]
包內药散暂用 (inside the bag, powder, temporary used)

牛肝開搽更好 (cow gallbladder, apply powder ointment for better)
为药牛胆市酒開搽亦好矣 (☐☐, cow gallbladder, alcohol, apply powder ointment on the skin also good)
千祈交红灵膏贴疮口为药也炒記妙記 (it is good to put Qian Qi Jiao Hong Ling medicinal ointment on open wound, remember)

Related objects (Prescription of herbs)


Year created

Location created


Jian Ling Can Ding received


Translator's annotation

Front and back pages of an external ointment prescription.


In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted

Rights Holder

Document copy courtesy of Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site

Owner of the Collection

State of Oregon

Source (the collection in which this object is found)

Kam Wah Chung Collection

KWC location ID

Box 7. 687

Item Type (DCMI Type vocabulary URI)


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