Prescription (Herbal Formula) 691



Prescription (Herbal Formula) 691

Transcribed Chinese Text

頭次用 (for first time use)
章香 [樟脑] (5 qian), 硫磺 一两[?] (1 liang?), 兒茶 (4 qian), 川連 [黄连] (2 qian), 蘚皮 [白鲜皮] (3 qian), ☐☐仁 [酸枣仁?] 炒 (fried) (25 qian),
射香 [麝香], 白凡 [白矾] (2 qian), 枯凡 (25 qian), 陀僧 [密陀僧] (3 qian), 寒水石 [?] [1] (2 qian), 大王 [大黄] (3 qian),
黃柏 (25 qian), 牙皂 [皂荚] (5 ☐), 冰片 (3 ☐), 雄黄 (3 qian), 苦参 (25 qian), 姜活 [羌活] (2 qian)

共研末猪油開搽之即好矣 (ground and mix with lard, then apply to heal)
大☐[弍?]用, 加生疯人之药散令用 (add some herbal powder for manic patient? )

加 (add) 章香 [樟脑] (3 qian), 雄黄 (3 qian), 白凡 [白矾] (2 qian), 兒茶 (4 qian), 硫黄 [硫磺] (3 qian)

牛骨腮開搽 (cow bone cheek open apply)
光绪己巳年元月 刀[初?]七日单 (prescribed on Guang Xu (9th emperor of the Qing Dynasty with his aunt the empress) Ji Si year, first month [first?] 7th day [Lunar calendar])

Related objects (Prescription of herbs)


Year created

Location created


Bo Li Ti Nu (girl, female) Lian Yu Wang Zi (son, boy) tong yong (same usage)



In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted

Rights Holder

Document copy courtesy of Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site

Owner of the Collection

State of Oregon

Source (the collection in which this object is found)

Kam Wah Chung Collection

KWC location ID

Box 7. 691

Item Type (DCMI Type vocabulary URI)


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