Xiao Er Hui Chun Dan / 小兒回春丹 (Children's Recovery Pellet)



Xiao Er Hui Chun Dan / 小兒回春丹 (Children's Recovery Pellet)
Hui Chun Dan / 回春丹 (Return of Spring Special Pill)

Type of Pre-mixed Formula


Company Name

Location of Production

Yuè Dōng / 粤東 (Guangdong Province)
Pù Zài Yue Dong Sheng Cheng Shi Ba Fu Dong Yue Nan Xiang / 舖在粤東省城十八甫東约南向開張 (Shop located at Guangdong provincial [capital] city [Guangzhou], approximately towards South of East 18 Street, open for business)

Translator's annotation

"In nature all living things wither during the winter and return to life during the spring. This formula is used for acute childhood convulsions. Its action is compared to "raising up the dead and bringing them back to life," just as the return of spring restores life to the dead." (Bensky, p. 420)
Actions: Opens the orifices, arrests spasms and convulsions, clears heat, and transforms phlegm. (Bensky, p. 421)
The company's name 萬春 (the 10,000 Spring(s)) is likely making reference to the “Wan Bing Hui Chun” by Gong Tingxian. This text is also found in Doc Hay’s book collection.
Right side text on leaflet:
萬春園揀选参茸上品药料精工监制 (Wan Chun Yuan selects the finest quality medical ingredients [参茸 (ginseng and deer antler?)] and manufactures our with the utmost of care)
Body of text on leaflet:
此丹耑[專] 治小儿急驚發熱風寒積滯 (This pellet specifically treats [conditions in] children of acute feverish wind cold with accumulations and stagnancy), 口
眼歪斜, 牙關緊閉; 霍亂吐瀉, 傷風咳嗽 ([presenting with] wry mouth, lazy eye, lockjaw, cholera [like symptoms] with vomiting and diarrhea, wind damage with cough),
鼻流清涕, 痰涎壅滯, 夜啼吐乳 (clear runny discharge from the nose, obstruction of phlegm and saliva, screaming at night and vomiting up the mother’s milk), 潮熱搐
搦, 天吊[天釣] 五癇; 不省人事, 诸般危症俱用 (cyclical/tidal fevers and spasms, convulsions with eyes rolled back in head, seizures/epilepsy [under age of 10], coma, or unconscious conditions, for all manner of dangerous diseases.)
见功 (Mix this pellet with Bo HeTang (mint tea) or Wen Yin Zhen Jin Jian Tang (toasted fine silver true gold soup) and see immediate results), 婴儿未及週[周] 岁可放此丹于儿母
乳头令儿吮下, 此丹配製得法效驗; 如神 (For infants not yet one year old this pellet can be put on the mother’s nipples, and the child made to suckle. This powder is finely crafted and will work like magic.)

Bibliographic Citation

Bensky, D., Barolet, R. (1990). Chinese herbal medicine : formulas & strategies. Seattle: Eastland Press. p. 420

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Photograph courtesy of Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site

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State of Oregon


Kam Wah Chung Collection

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