Jing Jiao Zeng Bu: Wan Bing Hui Chun / 精校増補 萬病回春 (Corrected and Augmented: Return to Spring from 10,000 Illnesses)


Type of publication



Jing Jiao Zeng Bu: Wan Bing Hui Chun / 精校増補 萬病回春 (Corrected and Augmented: Return to Spring from 10,000 Illnesses)


Year Created

Zhong hua min guo si nian / 中華民國四年 (Republic of China Year Four [1915 CE])

Location Created


Translator's annotation

Other text on title page:
Shanghai Guang Yi Shu Ju Kan Yin / 上海廣益書局刊印 (Periodical Printed by Shanghai Many Blessings Book Company)
Background Information:
The original work Wan Bing Hui Chun was written ca. 1615 by Gong Dingxian (Kung T’ing-hsien) and was a mnemonic herbal primer for beginning students written largely in verse. Gong was a member of the Ch’i-Huang school of medical practitioners in the seventeenth century, author of several medical texts and an official in the Imperial Medical Department. [1]
Additional information on Gong Tingxian and Kohoha School accessed from the Institute for Traditional Medicine website. [2]

As this volume at KWC is clearly marked “supplemented” and was in the possession of a man alive in the 1800’s, it seems safe to say it is not original, but a reprint with supplemental notes designed for the beginning student.

Table Of Contents

Translation of the Table of Contents

一之卷 (Volume 1):
万金一统述 wàn jīn yī tǒng shù (A complete description of a medical tradition worth 10,000 pieces of gold)
药性歌 yào xìng gē (Rhymes on the properties of medicines)
诸病主药 zhū bìng zhǔ yào (Medicines that govern various diseases)
释形体 shì xíng tǐ (Explanations of the substance and form [of medicines])
周身脏腑形状 zhōu (The shape and form of the whole body and its internal organs)
人身面背手足之图(缺)rén shēn miàn bèi shǒu zú (quē) (Diagrams of the human head, back, arms and legs)
展开下级目录十二经脉歌 zhǎn kāi xià jí mù lù shí èr jīng mài gē (Rhymes of the twelve channels)
十二月七十二候歌 shí èr yuè qī shí èr hòu gē (Rhymes of the 12th lunar months and 72 5-day periods)
运气候节交应时刻数诀 yùn qi hòu jié jiāo yìng shí kè shù jué (A rhymed formula for computing the movements of yun qi, climate, seasonal changes, confluences and [optimal] times [for treatment])
医学源流 yī xué yuán liú (The origins of the study of medicine)

二之卷 (Volume 2):
展开下级目录中风 zhǎn kāi xià jí mù lù zhòng fēng (Unfolding the contents and categories of wind damage)
伤寒(附伤风)shāng hán (fù shāng fēng) (Cold (and wind) damage)
中寒 zhòng hán (Cold strike)
瘟疫 wēn yì (Warm epidemics)
中暑 zhòng shǔ (Summerheat strike)
中湿 zhòng shī (Dampness strike)
火证 huǒ zhèng (Fire patterns)
内伤 nèi shāng (Internal damage)
饮食 yǐn shí (Food [damage])
郁证 yù zhèng (Depression pattern)
痰饮 tán yǐn (Phlegm rheum)
咳嗽 ké sou (Cough)
喘急 chuǎn jí (Acute dyspnea)
哮吼 xiào hǒu (Wheezing)

三之卷 (Volume 3):
疟疾 nüè ji (Malaria)
痢疾 lì ji (Dysentery)
泄泻 xiè xiè (Diarrhea)
霍乱 huò luàn (Cholera)
呕吐 ǒu tù (Vomiting)
翻胃 fān wèi (Stomach reflux)
呃逆 è nì (Hiccup)
嗳气 ǎi qì (Belching)
吞酸 tūn suān (Regurgitation)
嘈杂 cáo zá (Clamoring stomach)
诸气 zhū qì (Various qi)
青筋 qīng jīn (Veins)
痞满 pǐ mǎn (Glomus and fullness)
鼓胀 gǔ zhàng (Drum distention)
水肿 shuǐ zhǒng (Water swelling)
积聚 jī jù (Accumulations and gatherings)
五疸 wǔ dǎn (Five disorders of the liver and gallbladder)
痼冷 gù lěng (Chronic cold)
斑疹 bān zhěn (Maculopapular eruptions)
发热 fā rè (Fevers)

四之卷 (Volume 4):
补益 bǔ yì (Boosting and supplementing)
虚劳 xū láo (Vacuity)
失血 shī xuè (Blood loss)
恶热 wù rè (Fever with chill)
汗证 hàn zhèng (Sweating syndrome)
眩晕 xuàn yùn (Dizziness)
麻木 má mù (Numbness and tingling)
癫狂 diān kuáng (Mania)
痫证 xián zhèng (Epilepsy)
健忘 jiàn wàng (Forgetfulness and poor memory)
怔忡 zhēng chōng (Fearful throbbing)
惊悸 jīng jì (Fright palpitation)
虚烦 xū fán (Vacuity vexation)
不寐 bù mèi (Sleeplessness)
邪祟 xié suì (Evil spirits)
厥证 jué zhèng (Faint syndrome)
浊证 zhuó zhèng (Turbid syndrome)
遗精 yí jīng (Seminal emission)
淋证 lín zhèng (Strangury syndrome)
关格 guān gé (Blocked or painful urination)
遗溺 yí niào (Enuresis)
小便闭 xiǎo biàn bì (Urinary bloc
大便闭 dà biàn bì (Fecal block)
大小便闭 dà xiǎo biàn bì (Urinary and fecal block)
痔漏 zhì lòu (Hemorrhoids and fistulas)
悬痈 xuán yōng (Suspended welling-abscesses)
体气 tǐ qì (Constitutional qi)
脱肛 tuō gāng (Anal prolapse)
诸虫 zhū chóng (Various parasites)

五之卷 (Volume 5):
头痛 tóu tòng (Headache)
须发 xū fà (Beard and hair)
面病 miàn bìng (Face diseases)
耳病 ěr bìng (Ear diseases)
鼻病 bí bìng (Nose diseases)
口舌 kǒu shé (Mouth and tongue)
牙齿 yá chǐ (Teeth)
眼目 yǎn mù (Eyes)
咽喉 yān hóu (Throat)
结核 jié hé (Tuberculosis)
梅核气 méi hé qì ("Plum-pit-qi")
瘿瘤 yǐng liú (Goiter and tumor)
肺痈 fèi yōng (Pulmonary welling-abscess)
肺痿 fèi wěi (Lung wilting)
心痛(即胃脘痛)xīn tòng (jí wèi wǎn tòng) (Heart pain [epigastric pain])
腹痛 fù tòng (Abdominal pain)
腰痛 yāo tòng (Lumbar pain)
胁痛 xié tòng (Hypochondriac pain)
臂痛 bì tong (Arm pain)
背痛 bèi tòng (Back pain)
痛风 tòng fēng (Gout)
香港脚 Xiānggǎng jiǎo (Hong Kong foot)
疝 shàn (Hernia)
痿 wěi (Atrophy)
消渴 xiāokě (Dispersion thirst [identified in type 2 diabetes])
病 bìng (Disease)

六之卷 (Volume 6):
妇人科 fùrén kē (Gynecology)
调经 tiáojīng (Menstruation)
经闭 jīngbì (Mentstrual block)
血崩 xuè bēng (Excessive menstrual bleeding)
带下 dài xià (Leucorrhoea)
虚劳 xūláo (Vacuity)
求嗣 qiú sì (Seeking heirs)
妊娠 rèn shēn (Pregnancy)
产育 chǎnyù (Delivery and feeding of infants)
小产 xiạ̌ochǎn (Miscarriage)
产后 chǎnhòu (Postpartum)
乳病 rǔ hòu (Illnesses of breastfeeding)
乳岩 rǔyán (Mammary rock)
妇人诸病 fùrén zhū bìng (Various other women's diseases)

七之卷 (Volume 7):
小儿科 xiǎo ér kē (Pediatrics)
急惊 jí jīng ([Pediatric] Acute fright)
慢惊 màn jīng ([Pediatric] Chronic fright)
惊后调治 jīng hòu tiáozhì ([Pediatric] Recuperation after a fright)
疳疾 gān jí ([Pediatric] Gan accumulation)
癖疾 pǐ jí ([Pediatric] Epidemic intestinal aggregations)
诸热 zhū rè (Various types of [Pediatric] fevers)
感冒 gǎnmào ([Pediatric] Common cold)
伤食 shāngshí ([Pediatric] Food damage)
腹胀 fùzhàng ([Pediatric] Abdominal distention)
呕吐 ǒutù ([Pediatric] Vomiting and retching)
泄泻 xièxiè ([Pediatric] Diarrhea)
吐泻 tù-xiè ([Pediatric] Vomiting and diarrhea)
痢疾 lìji ([Pediatric] dysentery)
疟疾 nüèji ([Pediatric] malaria)
咳嗽 késou ([Pediatric] cough)
喘急 chuǎnjí ([Pediatric] acute dyspnea)
小儿初生杂病 xiǎo er chūshēng zábìng (Miscellaneous diseases of infants and newborns)
小儿杂病 xiǎo er zábìng (Miscellaneous diseases of childhood)
痘疮 dòuchuāng (Pox)
麻疹 mázhěn (Measles)

八之卷 (Volume 8):
痈疽 yōngjū (Abscesses)
瘰 luǒ (Scrofula)
疔疮 dīngchuāng (Clove sores)
便毒 biàndú (Urinary and fecal toxin)
下疳 xiàgān (Lower body rickets)
杨梅疮 yángméichuāng (Red bayberry sores [syphilis])
疮 chuāng (Sores)
疥疮 jiè chuāng (Scabs)
癣疮 xuǎn chuāng (Ringworm or tinea)
秃疮 tūchuāng (Bald scalp sore)
癜风 diàn fēng (Vitiligo)
疠风 bing fēng (Epidemic wind damage)
诸疮 zhū chuāng (Various sores)
杖疮 zhàng chuāng (Blunt trauma)
折伤 zhé shāng (Traumatic injury)
金疮 jīnchuāng (Metal wounds)
破伤风 pòshāngfēng (Tetanus)
汤火 tāng-huǒ (Scalding and burns)
虫兽 (Insects and beasts)
中毒 zhòngdú (Poisoning)
骨鲠 gǔgěng (Bones stuck in the throat)
五绝 wǔjué (Five expirations)
膏药 gāoyao (Plasters)
通治 tōng zhì (Thorough cure)
奇病 qí bìng (Strange diseases)

Bibliographic Citation

[Digital full text] http://www.theqi.com/cmed/oldbook/book117/index.html (Accessed on March 31, 2020)
[1] Unschuld, Paul (1986) Medicine in China: A History of Pharmaceutics. Berkeley: University of California Press. p. 252-253.
[2] Dharmananda, Subhuti. Kampo Medicine: The Practice of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Japan. http://www.itmonline.org/arts/kampo.htm (Accessed on March 31, 2020)


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Kam Wah Chung Collection

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File cabinet in KWC interpretive center with files of “unknown books”

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