Prescription (Herbal Formula) 43



Prescription (Herbal Formula) 43

Transcribed Chinese Text

金应子 [金樱子] 盐酒炒 (salt wine fried) (2 qian), 以米 [薏苡仁] 另 (separately) (35 qian), 泽泻 另 (separately) (5 qian), 丹皮 [牡丹皮] 另 (separately) (5 qian), 㐵肉 [山茱萸] 另 (separately) (1 liang),
金银花 [銀花] (9 qian), 山甲 [穿山甲] 另 (separately) (9 slices), 小茴 [小茴香] 另 (separately) 盐酒炒 (salt wine fried) (3 qian), 淮山 [山药] 另 (separately) (7 qian), 前子 [车前子] 另 (separately) (15 liang),
射香 [麝香] ☐☐, 牛七 [牛膝] 另 (separately) 酒炒 (wine fried) (15 liang), 川☐ [?] [1] 盐酒炒 (salt wine fried) (5 qian), 白芍 (7 qian), 陳次 [?] (3 qian),
射干 (5 qian), 只壳 [枳壳] ☐炒 (☐ fried) (3 qian), 甘节 (5 qian), 通纸 [木通] 另 (separately) 盐炒 (salt fried) (5 qian), 防己 酒炒 (wine fried) (5 qian),
乳香 另 (separately) (5 qian), 元胡 (35 qian), 炙地 [熟地黃] 另 (separately) (1 liang), 贝母 [川贝母] (5 qian), 前胡 (4 qian),
没药 另 (separately) (5 qian), 羌活 另 (separately) (5 qian), 独活 另 (separately) (5 qian), 云苓 [茯苓] (7 qian), 柴胡 (6 qian),
生地 [生地黃] 另 (separately) (25 liang), 川芎 (3 qian), 故主 [补骨脂] 另 (separately) 酒炒 (wine fried) (5 qian), 巴戟 [巴戟天] 另 (separately) 酒炒 (wine fried) (3 qian), 青皮 另 (separately) 有利炒 (You Li [Mu Li / 牡蛎?] fried) (7 qian),
好本 [藁本] (5 qian), 连召 [连翘] (5 qian), 五味子 (35 qian), 元参 (5 qian), 干葛 [葛根] (5 qian),
杜仲 另 (separately) 姜酒炒 (ginger wine fried) ☐单☐用 (5 qian), 當归 [当归] 另 (separately) (7 qian), 门冬 [麦门冬] (5 qian), 滑石 另 (separately) 兑服 (add into liquid for drinking)
(5 qian), 何人 [荷叶] (3 qian)
百合 另 (separately) (5 qian), 沙参 另 (separately) (5 qian), 文甲 [玳瑁] (3 qian), 木香 (1 qian) 砂仁 (2 qian), 皂仁 [皂角仁] 炒 (fried) (3 qian),
莲子 另 (separately) 去心☐ [?] (35 qian), 玉竹 (4 qian), 槐花子 [槐米] (4 qian), 双寄生 [桑寄生] 另 (separately) (9 qian), 丝手[?] [熊掌?] 另 (separately) (5 qian),
云皮 [茯苓 (outer layer)] 另 (separately) (7 qian), 加皮 [五加皮] (35 qian), 黄柏 酒炒 (wine fried) (3 qian), 知母 酒炒 (wine fried) (3 qian), 蓁丸 [?] (5 qian),
九即 [九节菖蒲] (3 qian), 羽箭 [鬼剑羽] (3 qian), 杏仁 (5 qian), 乌药 (3 qian), 桔更 [桔梗] 另 (separately) (5 qian)
净水煎服 (decoct with clean water for oral intake)
跛利市卒做工人 取 (Received Lia Jie Li, Po Li Shi (market) Zu Zuo Gong (worker))
照福 (shine fortune/good luck)
丙午年拾[十]月十七日单 (prescribed on Bing Wu year, 10th Month 17th Day [Lunar calendar])

Related objects (Prescription of herbs)


Year created

Location created


Received Lia Jie Li, Po Li Shi (market) Zu Zuo Gong (worker)



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Document copy courtesy of Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site

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State of Oregon

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Kam Wah Chung Collection

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Box 7. 43

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