Prescription (Herbal Formula) 487



Prescription (Herbal Formula) 487

Transcribed Chinese Text

[Formula 1]
黄柏 (2 qian), 黄芩 (2 qian), 棉花子 (3 qian), 水片 [冰片] 兑服 (add into liquid for drinking) 多[?] (a lot?), 射香 [麝香] 兑服 (add into liquid for drinking) 多[?] (a lot?),
陀僧 [密陀僧] (3 qian), 灵仙 [威灵仙] (15 qian), 白蘚皮 (3 qian), 何人 [荷叶] (2 qian), 京芩 [京芥? 荆芥] (25 qian),
雄黄 兑服 (add into liquid for drinking) (15 qian), 归尾 [当归] (2 qian), ☐☐ [金砂?] [1] 兑服 (add into liquid for drinking) (2 qian), 加多(add a lot?) 银花 [金银花] (3 qian), 当归 (15 qian),
地☐子 [地肤子] (3 qian), 川楝根 (2 qian), 蝉退 [蝉蛻] (2 qian), 姜活 [羌活] (15 qian), 独活 (2 qian)
净水煎 (decoct with clean water) 合针格筋单食

[Formula 2]
以下外洗药 (the following for wash)
狼毒 (5 liang), 白蘚皮 (5 qian), 枯凡 [枯矾] (2 qian), 韭菜子 (3 qian), 大戟 [京大戟] (2 qian),
宣茶 [昌茶 (tea from Chang county)?] [2] (5 qian? fen?), 茶仔 [?] [3] 塊 (chunk) (four) 各 (each), 水术 [?] [4] (1 liang), 何人 [荷叶] (5 qian) , 良花 [金银花] (1 liang), 京荟 [?] [京芥? 荆芥] (2 liang), 艾人 [艾叶] (5 qian), 枯炒 [夏枯草] (3 qian), 白凡 [白矾] (3 qian), 鸡☐ [?] [5] (30? fen) (1 liang?)
三滕亚 取 (pick up) 照福 (shine fortune/good luck)
乙巳年四月十七日单 (prescribed on Yi Si year, 4th month 17th day [Lunar calendar])

Related objects (Prescription of herbs)


Year created

Location created


Ling Ding Zhong. San Sheng Ya received



In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted

Rights Holder

Document copy courtesy of Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site

Owner of the Collection

State of Oregon

Source (the collection in which this object is found)

Kam Wah Chung Collection

KWC location ID

Box 7. 487

Item Type (DCMI Type vocabulary URI)


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