Prescription (Herbal Formula) 685
Prescription (Herbal Formula) 685
Transcribed Chinese Text
吉更 [桔梗] (15 qian), 京芥 [荆芥] 炒 (fried) (2 qian), 何人 [荷叶] (15 qian), 防風 (2 qian), 前胡 (15 qian),
陳次 [?] (15 qian), 禾叶 [荷叶?] [1] (1 qian), 蘇子 [紫苏子] (15 qian), 皂仁 [皂角仁] 炒 (fried) (15 qian), 赤芍 (15 qian),
青皮 (15 qian), 貝母 [川贝母] (15 qian), 元参 (15 qian), 双白[桑白皮] (2 qian), 兜铃 [马兜铃] (15 qian),
花粉 [天花粉] (1 qian), 只壳 [枳壳] (15 qian), 菊花 (1 qian), 開冬 [麦门冬] (15 qian), 柴胡 (2 qian),
射干 (15 qian), 良花 [金银花] (2 qian), 冬花 [款冬花] (1 qian), 紫苑 [紫菀] (1 qian), 百部 (1 qian)
陳次 [?] (15 qian), 禾叶 [荷叶?] [1] (1 qian), 蘇子 [紫苏子] (15 qian), 皂仁 [皂角仁] 炒 (fried) (15 qian), 赤芍 (15 qian),
青皮 (15 qian), 貝母 [川贝母] (15 qian), 元参 (15 qian), 双白[桑白皮] (2 qian), 兜铃 [马兜铃] (15 qian),
花粉 [天花粉] (1 qian), 只壳 [枳壳] (15 qian), 菊花 (1 qian), 開冬 [麦门冬] (15 qian), 柴胡 (2 qian),
射干 (15 qian), 良花 [金银花] (2 qian), 冬花 [款冬花] (1 qian), 紫苑 [紫菀] (1 qian), 百部 (1 qian)
净水剪服 (decoct with clean water for oral intake)
甲辰年一[?]月廿[二十]四日单 (prescribed on Jia Chen year, first [?] month 24th day [Lunar calendar])
甲辰年一[?]月廿[二十]四日单 (prescribed on Jia Chen year, first [?] month 24th day [Lunar calendar])
Related objects (Prescription of herbs)
Year created
Location created
Picked up by Wen Shi shu (uncle)
Rights Holder
Document copy courtesy of Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site
Owner of the Collection
State of Oregon
Source (the collection in which this object is found)
Kam Wah Chung Collection
KWC location ID
Box 7. 685
Item Type (DCMI Type vocabulary URI)
Format of the digital image