Prescription (Herbal Formula) 343



Prescription (Herbal Formula) 343

Transcribed Chinese Text

洗药 (for wash)
京芥 [荆芥], 何人 [荷叶], 花子 [棉花子?], 枯炒 [夏枯草 (fried)], 艾人, 甘節 [甘节],
陀僧 [密陀僧], 狼毒, 川椒, 生半下[生半夏], 蒼朮 [苍术], 羽箭 [鬼箭羽],
蘚皮 [白鲜皮], 公英 [蒲公英], 良花 [金银花], 山次姑 [山茨菇], 白芨, 木别 [木鳖子],
葱头 [葱白头?], 生姜
共煲水避风先熏后洗 (cook together to steam first and then wash, avoid light)
章香 [樟脑?], 白凡 [白矾], 雄黄

搽药用 中骨内交開搽 (For topical application, directly apply to open area)
川连 [黃连] (15 qian), 而茶[?] [儿茶?] (3 qian), 麻黄 (2 qian), 姜活 [羌活] (3 qian), 升麻 (2 qian),
射香 [麝香], 枟香 [檀香] (2 qian), 白及 [白芨] (2 qian), 防风
(15 qian), 大王 [大黄] (15 qian),
陀僧 [密佗僧] (1 qian), 当归 (15 qian), 全退 [蝉蛻] 炒 (fried) (1 qian), 血竭, 丹参 (1 qian)

食方 (For oral intake)
京芥 [荆芥] (2 qian), 防风 (2 qian), 當归 [当归] (2 qian), 吉更 [桔梗] (2 qian), 生地 [生地黃] (2 qian),
蟬蜕 [蝉蛻] (2 qian), 乌麻 [芝麻] (2 qian), 苦参 (2 qian), 蒼朮 [苍术] 米甘炒 (rice sweet fried?) (2 qian), 麻仁 [火麻仁] 炒 (fried) (2 qian),
天麻 (1 qian), 秦艽 (15 qian), 牛子 [牛蒡子] 炒 (fried) (2 qian), 知母 (2 qian), 木通 (15 qian),
金良花 [金银花] (3 qian), 連召 [连翘] (3 qian), 甘節 [甘节] (3 qian), 炙 (roasted) 石☐ [石膏? 石交?] [3] (2 or 3 qian), 元参 (2 qian),
黄连 酒炒 (wine fried) (5 fen), 干葛 [葛根] (2 qian), 黄芩 (15 qian), 開冬 [麦门冬] (2 qian), 枝子 [栀子] 炒 (fried) (2 ☐),
大王 [大黄] 酒炒 (wine fried) (5 fen), 柴胡 (2 qian), 何人 [荷叶] (15 qian), 独活 (15 qian), 姜活 [羌活] (15 qian)
净水煎服 (decoct with clean water for oral intake)
甲辰年八月十九日单 (prescribed on Jia Chen year, 8th Month 19th day [Lunar calendar])

Related objects (Prescription of herbs)


Year created

Location created


Ge Jiang Ding Gu (or Ge Lie Xiang Zhi) received
Zhao Fu (good luck)



In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted

Rights Holder

Document copy courtesy of Kam Wah Chung State Heritage Site

Owner of the Collection

State of Oregon

Source (the collection in which this object is found)

Kam Wah Chung Collection

KWC location ID

Box 7.343

Item Type (DCMI Type vocabulary URI)


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